ATP45 implements the NATO ATP-45 impact assessment model for CBRN-type incidents.

Getting started

Run ATP-45:

The package provides a simple and flexible API to run the proper ATP-45 case, according to the parameters and inputs provided by the user. Setting up the simplified ATP-45 model in case of chemical weapons goes like this:

using ATP45
simple_chem = (ChemicalWeapon(), Simplified())
ATP45 categories with ids:
 - chem
 - simplified

After defining the desired categories of ATP-45, we define the location of the release at longitude 4.0 and latitude 50.0, as well as a wind of speed 5.0 m/s and pointing 45° from North:

release = ReleaseLocations([4., 50.]);
wind = WindAzimuth(5., 45.);

We finally pass these as arguments to the run_atp function. This function takes as arguments an arbitrary number of categories and inputs, so the splat operator (...) needs to be used on the simple_chem tuple.

result = run_atp(simple_chem..., release, wind)
Atp45Result with 2 zones and properties:
Dict{Symbol, Any} with 3 entries:
  :locations  => ReleaseLocations{1, Float64}(((4.0, 50.0),))
  :categories => (ChemicalWeapon(), Simplified())
  :weather    => (WindAzimuth(5.0, 45.0),)

The result can be easily plotted with Plots.jl:

using Plots

We can also use the string id's corresponding to the categories instead of the Julia objects:

using ATP45
run_atp("detailed", "chem", "typeA", ATP45.Shell(), "stable", wind, release)
Atp45Result with 2 zones and properties:
Dict{Symbol, Any} with 3 entries:
  :locations  => ReleaseLocations{1, Float64}(((4.0, 50.0),))
  :categories => (ChemicalWeapon(), ReleaseTypeA(), Shell(), Detailed())
  :weather    => (Stable(), WindAzimuth(5.0, 45.0))

The id's and their corresponding objects can be seen with ATP45.map_ids:

Dict{String, Any} with 29 entries:
  "MPL"             => MissilesPayload()
  "MSL"             => Missile()
  "chem"            => ChemicalWeapon()
  "typeC"           => ReleaseTypeC()
  "MNE"             => Mine()
  "containergroupa" => ContainerGroup(:ContainerGroupA, ATP45.AbstractContainer…
  "stable"          => Stable()
  "containergroupf" => ContainerGroup(:ContainerGroupF, ATP45.AbstractContainer…
  "NKN"             => NotKnown()
  "typeB"           => ReleaseTypeB()
  "containergroupc" => ContainerGroup(:ContainerGroupC, ATP45.AbstractContainer…
  "containergroupb" => ContainerGroup(:ContainerGroupB, ATP45.AbstractContainer…
  "containergroupd" => ContainerGroup(:ContainerGroupD, ATP45.AbstractContainer…
  "typeA"           => ReleaseTypeA()
  "SRKT"            => SurfaceRocket()
  "detailed"        => Detailed()
  "BML"             => Bomblet()
  "SPR"             => Spray()
  "neutral"         => Neutral()
  ⋮                 => ⋮

We can have more details about each categories defined in ATP-45 with the method:"typeA")
(id = "typeA", longname = "Air Contaminating Attack.", description = "Release following an attack with an air contaminating (non-persistent) chemical agent.", note = "Type A attack is considered the immediate, short period worst-case attack scenario because it is an immediate hazard. Assume a Type A attack if:\n- Liquid agent cannot be observed or;\n- No passive methods or indicators confirm the hazard to be a persistent agent.\n", paramtype = "category", internalname = "ReleaseTypeA")

If some categories or some inputs are missing, you should get an explanatory error about what's missing:

julia> run_atp("detailed", "chem", "typeA", ATP45.Shell(), wind, release)ERROR: Some inputs are missing:
	 The model requires a stability class. Example: `Unstable()`

Implementation of GeoInterface.jl

The Atp45Result type implements the GeoInterface.jl interface, which means that the coordinates of the ATP-45 zones can be accessed with the GeoInterface.jl methods:

using GeoInterface
result = run_atp("chem", "simplified", wind, release)
2-element Vector{Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}}:
 [[[4.0, 50.0179808838871], [4.001752234952472, 50.01794538954903], [4.003497546915963, 50.017839046769936], [4.0052290403452595, 50.01766227569944], [4.006939874472461, 50.01741577473609], [4.00862329042049, 50.01710051775909], [4.010272637987785, 50.01671775026818], [4.0118814019966695, 50.01626898444736], [4.013443228099797, 50.01575599317202], [4.014951947941381, 50.01518080298386]  …  [3.9850480520586147, 50.01518080298386], [3.986556771900203, 50.01575599317202], [3.9881185980033305, 50.01626898444736], [3.9897273620122156, 50.01671775026818], [3.99137670957951, 50.01710051775909], [3.993060125527539, 50.017415774736094], [3.9947709596547396, 50.01766227569944], [3.996502453084038, 50.017839046769936], [3.9982477650475277, 50.01794538954903], [4.0, 50.0179808838871]]]
 [[[3.9605703848208336, 49.974564392595354], [4.019067882355443, 50.114934298719916], [4.178419720202626, 50.01197626526179], [3.9605703848208336, 49.974564392595354]]]

It also means that the result can be easily converted to GeoJSON:

using GeoJSON
"{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[4.0,50.0179808838871],[4.001752234952472,50.01794538954903],[4.003497546915963,50.017839046769936],[4.0052290403452595,50.01766227569944],[4.006939874472461,50.017415" ⋯ 3944 bytes ⋯ "202626,50.01197626526179],[3.9605703848208336,49.974564392595354]]]},\"properties\":{\"type\":\"hazard\"},\"bbox\":[3.9605703848208336,49.974564392595354,4.178419720202626,50.114934298719916]}],\"bbox\":[3.9605703848208336,49.974564392595354,4.178419720202626,50.114934298719916]}"



High level function to run the ATP-45 procedure. The arguments args can be pretty flexible. They can be expressed as :

  • categories and input types from ATP45.jl
locations = ReleaseLocationss([4., 50.])
wind = WindAzimuth(2.5, 45.)
run_atp(Simplified(), ChemicalWeapon(), locations, wind)
  • string corresponding to the categories' id's. See map_ids to know the id's of the existing categories:
run_atp("simplified", "chem", locations, wind)
  • a combination of both:
run_atp(Simplified(), "chem", locations, wind)
ReleaseLocations{N, T}

Represents the N locations of the release(s).


julia> coords = [
    [6., 49.],
    [6., 51.],
julia> ReleaseLocations(coords)
ReleaseLocations{2, Float64}(((6.0, 49.0), (6.0, 51.0)))
WindAzimuth(speed, azimuth) <: AbstractWind

Defines the wind with its speed in m/s and its azimuth in degrees (with North as reference).

WindVector(u, v) <: AbstractWind

Defines the wind with its horizontal coordinates. u is W-E and v is S-N.


Collection of zones representing the result of an ATP-45 procedure result. Also contains relevant information about the input conditions. It implements the GeoInterface.FeatureCollection trait. The properties can be accessed with


This is the output type of run_atp:

result = run_atp("chem", "simplified", WindAzimuth(2., 90.), ReleaseLocations([4., 50.]))

# output
Atp45Result with 2 zones and properties:
Dict{Symbol, Any} with 3 entries:
  :locations  => ReleaseLocations{1, Float64}(((4.0, 50.0),))
  :categories => (ChemicalWeapon(), Simplified())
  :weather    => (WindAzimuth(2.0, 90.0),)

Specific zones can be access with the get_zones function:

get_zones(result, "release")

# output
1-element Vector{ATP45.AbstractZoneFeature}:
 ReleaseZone{100, Float64}(ATP45.CircleLikeZone{100, Float64}(ReleaseLocations{1, Float64}(((4.0, 50.0),)), 2000.0))

Dictionnary mapping the existing id's to the ATP45.jl categories.


julia> ATP45.map_ids()
Dict{String, Any} with 29 entries:
  "MPL"             => MissilesPayload()
  "MSL"             => Missile()
  "chem"            => ChemicalWeapon()
  "typeC"           => ReleaseTypeC()
  "MNE"             => Mine()
  ⋮                 => ⋮